The Rising Trend of Digital Pathology in the World of Technology

With healthcare standards on the rise, the need to reinvent pathology is clearer now. Pathology is amongst the most important mainstays of the healthcare ecosystem. This has become possible owing to the shift in the healthcare segment that eventually led to the revolution of digital pathology

Despite witnessing the fast advancement of innovative medical technology like: augmented reality, synthetic tissues, and blood-drawing robots, digital pathology continues to rely on the conventional techniques of looking at tissues with a microscope within lab walls. 

Experts believe that with recent innovations in pathology, the pathologist can have full control of the whole process. Live image sharing becomes pretty simplified. 

Old pathology workflows have inherent delays built into the processes. Transferring innovative glass slides runs the risk of loss and when partnering with others it needs time and effort which delays diagnostics.

Indeed, the utilization of advanced pathology has given rise to plenty of opportunities for pathologists working in labs, colleges. However, the question lies what makes this sector a thriving opportunity?

In the past, in a pathology lab, much of the time was spent on investigating the slides and analyzing the tissue tests directly from the slide. Many times, transportation of these slides turned into a sensitive issue owing to its delicate nature.

Things have changed for the better and all thanks to digital advancements made in the healthcare industry. With the latest digital scanners and computer software, the sharing of digital images of tissues electronically with a physician has become quite easy and simple. 

Medical science is evolving at a fast pace and so are the advances made in the field of laboratory diagnostics. A pathologist has transformed from being a support to an active partner in healthcare delivery. There is a growing dependence of the physician on the histopathology laboratory and this synergy works in the era of customized healthcare.

In broader terms, the Government must help create a regulatory environment that ensures that companies get incentivized to focus on providing the top quality. Definitely, proactive policies by the Government will pave a long way.


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